Discovering Feelings

The bug looks like a Caterpie from Pokémon right? It’s actually a Spicebush Swallowtail caterpillar! They are real! They look like gummies as babies. Their little defense mechanism is to spit out their horn. The horn bio mimics snake’s tongues, because a top bottom view they look like a snake. 🐍


Octeo is a lot of mixes of- things. 🖥️
They are a computer head, octopus, catgirl in a school uniform. 🐙

Octeo was first discovered by an ocean shore village that was close to a landfill. 🏝️ What type of entity Octeo is, is still unknown. However, what we do know is their mission : To discover humanity and emotions. 💕

Hope you will join Octeo’s journey!